Thursday, May 11, 2006

Science Teacher

Worked 12 hours. Did three dialysis transfers. I don't think they were boning me, I just think we were in the wrong place when the calls came in.

I did a syncope at a college where a guy gave me a report prefacing it by saying, he didn't think the guy needed to go to the hospital. I did as I always do. I looked him in the eyes listened to his report and thanked him. He said he was a science teacher and he dropped the name of a guy I know and respect who he said he has taught with. The teacher started to leave, then he turned around and said, "Do you have a heart monitor? You might want to put him on the heart monitor?"

"We have one," I said.

"And the pulse ox, you should put him on the pulse ox."

"We have it under control," I said.

I told the patient who didn't remember passing out, he needed to go.

"But the EMT said I didn't have too."

"He was a science teacher," the guy's friend said. "This is the paramedic."

We took him in. When we stood him up to do orthostatics, he got very dizzy.

Later we sat for three hours, then did a woman with abdominal pain and then an MVA. We just missed a shooting that came in near where we were posted right after we were sent to the abd pain. It got very busy in the city. A rainy night. I was tired.

I'm off to Fenway Park tomorrow. I can use the break.