Saturday, September 10, 2005

I See Dead People

We took in a former EMT with chest pain. The man, only in his forties, has a history of multiple MIs, pacemaker, HTN, high cholestrol, IDDM. He stopped taking his meds a couple weeks ago. He has been known for being noncompliant with his treatment plans. I was surprised to see him. There was a rumor a few years ago that he had died.

At the time we had a number of EMTs who had recently suffered life-threatening health events. One had a brain aneurysm, another had attempted suicide. All three had either suffered cardiac arrest or at least were not expected to live. I was sitting in the base office one morning when all three happened to come in. None of them were working at the time -- they had all come in for various paperwork reasons. It was very strange sitting there in the room looking at them. I felt like I was in that movie where the kid says "I see Dead people."


A lot of EMS people don't take care of themselves, eating crappy, smoking, ignoring warning signs.


Took in a 76 year old man feeling weak. Guy had COPD, skinny barrell chested, on home 02.


I don't understand health professionals who smoke.

But I guess I should talk, I just hate a pepperoni and onion pizza.