Thursday, July 07, 2005

Full codes

Two calls today at nursing homes, both frequent flyers, both with lengthy medical histories, both full codes. One patient, aphasic due to a CVA caused by a brain absess, had a seizure. The other, a patient with dementia, IDDM, CAD, HTN, CVA, renal failure, and every oither diagnosis you can thing up, woke up with her entire left side bloated with edema. Her left eye was completed closed shut like a fighter or someone with a bad case of posion ivy. Her left arm was twice the size of her right arm. She had no IV access at all. The other woman I managed to get a 24 in. Both had foley catheters and G-tubes. I have taken each woman in at least four or five times each. I hope they don't code when I'm on duty.

Also did a chest pain and a dsypnea.