Thursday, June 30, 2005

Tell-Tale Sign

You know they're in trouble when they try to pull the mask off their face and say they can't breathe, they say they are suffocating.

CHF. Congestive Heart Failure.

There are lots of tell-tale signs -- rales, crackling in the lungs, JVD, pedal edema, hypertension, rapid pulse, diaphoresis, inability to lay down, but the clincher is tearing the nonrebreather off.

The next thing you know the foam is coming up.

You better hope the nitro and Lasix work,

Because you're going to be grabbing your scope.

The lady this morning -- I loaded her and flew, did everything on the way. We weren't far out, she got the Lasix as we were just down the street from the hospital. In the ER they gave her another 60, started a nitro drip and got out the intubation tray. They were just about to lay her down when the drugs finally kicked in.

I saw her later and she was doing much better -- exhausted but with just a cannula in her nose.


Also did a dizzy weak lady.