Wednesday, January 26, 2005


And it continues. We signed on at a few minutes after eight. Dispatch sent us through the snowstorm from one end of town to the other for the cardiac arrest, which -- no surprise -- turned out not to be. The nursing home said the person was a cardiac case who was a full code. Translation, the patient has a heart related ailiment and in the event they were to stop breathing, they should recieve CPR. Our calltakers translated it to mean the patient was in cardiac arrest. Instead our patient turned out to be an old Russian speaking lady with shortness of breath.

We did a nursing home call for an old guy who had a syncopal vagal episode, but was fine by the time we arrived.

A lady with chest pain. I gave her a nitro and some 02 and her chest pain went away.

A psych, which turned out to be a girlfriend who wanted to evict her boyfriend by claiming he was crazy. "I can take it anymore," she said. "He all the time accusing me of stealing his money!"

"BUt you took my twenty dollars," he protested.

"You owed me that money and the only reason I gave it back to you was to shut you up cause you was acting crazy!"

"I got to hide my money in the mattress from her," he said, "But she even go into my mattress. No place is safe from her thieving hands!"

"Just get him out of here. Take him to the crazy hospital, put him in a shelter, lock him up or throw his ass on the street. I don't care. I'm tired of living with this crazy motherfucker. A girl need peace."

We ended up being cleared by the police, no medical emergency.

We drove through the snowstorm to a nursing home in an outlaying town only to be canceled on our arrival.

We took a man discharged from the hospital from hip surgery and open heart surgery to a nursing facility for rehab.

We were called to a commercial building for the unconcious and arrived to find a man standing in a doorway with his dick out, taking a pee. He was hammered, but he knew his name and the date so we couldn't take him, and because it was just us and the fire department we couldn't arrest him. He looked like he was on the bad end of a week long bender, his face all purple and swollen, unshaven. We talked to a lady who was the landlord of the building, and she said the guy worked for a guy who rented the office space, which was some sort of computer training center, and he must have fallen off the wagon. She had tried to wake him up, but couldn't. He was sleeping in there on the floor with all the lights out except the computer monitors. I guess the urge to pee had done the job. A couple hours later we heard another ambulance called back to that address for a drunk. It didn't occur to me until I went home that it was the same guy the fire department had pulled out of a smoke filled apartment when he'd fallen asleep smoking a cigarette and caught his mattress on fire. He was hammered then too. I remembered he told me he worked with computers.

We took a diaylsis patient back to the nursing home from the diaylsis center.

A lady with a bone infection having chest pain that her doctor thought might be a pulmonary embolisim.

The call of the day was an eighty year old lady who got on her husband's treadmill and it started going to fast for her, sort of like the treadmills do in the cartoons, and she went flying off it, and dislocated her shoulder and maybe broke her arm too. I gave her morphine and phernergan when the morphine made her nauseaous. I felt bad for her and her husband.

One good thing about busy days is the ten hours goes fast, but I will say, today was cold, and it seemed like all we were doing was sliding patients from beds to our stretcher, or from our stretcher to beds, and they were all heavy and my back was kind of tight by the end of it.