Thursday, January 20, 2005


Got to work, checked out my gear, then lay down in bed. On the cop frequency, they had a car chase going on the city/town line. Everytime the car headed south I cheered. When he headed north I booed. I figured if it ended up in town, I was going to end up seeing him at some point and I was comfortable right where I was. The guy ended up ramming a couple cars, then bailed and the town cops finally tackled him. Lots of breathless shouting all throughout the chase.

Five minutes later they are calling us on a Priority to come down to the PD. The bad guy or bad kid is now handcuffed and writhing on the ground. He says his neck hurts and he feels like he might pass out, he then goes into an oscar award winning seizure flop, which fails to elict much of a reaction from me, particuarly on account of having seen the real thing so vividly just the day before. We took him down to the hospital where he soon got a clean bill of health.


Busy day early. We did a major anxiety attack where the woman was complaining of difficulty breathing and chest pain. Forty-year old lady. She was freaking out. Hyperventilating. Her twelve lead was perfect. 100 % Sat on room air, great vitals. Skin warm and dry. I should have called for some Ativan for her.

Then we did an old lady with bleeding gums and a foul foul odor coming out of her mouth.

Last call was a old guy feeling light headed.We took him to the hospital. When we got out at the ER entrance-- this hospital is built on top of a mountain, a gust of wind came up and blew my 12-leads up into the sky and swirled them around. I chased them across the parking lot, but they got away, and blew out over the valley. Gone.