Thursday, January 26, 2006


Worked eight hours today with my preceptee in the city. Started out with an unresponsive, but it just turned out to be an old woman not feeling well. He got his first IV no problem. The other calls were also pretty routine. A woman with chest pain that hurt when she moved her arm or touched her chest, another woman who wanted to kill herself, and an old man feeling weak. He was seen at the hospital last night for a urinary tract infection.

Tomorrow is twelve hours in the city. Maybe we'll get our first difficult call. It actually has been good, doing the slower common place calls. It gives him a chance to get used to doing the medic things such as checking blood sugar, doing 12 leads and IVs, giving breathing treatments.

I was also beat today. It seems I am more tired on my days following my days off.

Even though I was tired today, I was thinking how much I love the routine of this job, coming in to work, seeing the cars lined up in a row in the garage, the early crews checking out their gear, I punch in, get my car keys, narc keys, and radio. Spend a few moments chatting with people, then out to the car to go through the gear, get a few things in the supply cabinent, then go online. They post us. I get out my morning paper, open up a diet coke, and wait for them to call my number.

Every day is different.