Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Clean The Rig

Today has been one of those days where you do a call, come back sit down, start working on something and before you can ever get really started -- whether its a writing project, a meal, odrdering supplies, or laying down on the couch, as soon as you start, you get another call.

Here's what we did today. Nursing home chest pain/CHF. Motor vehicle. Fall at the senior center. Kid shot with a BB. Nursing home UTI. Psycogenic Shock -- girl fainted when family was talking about illeus's. Little kid who choked on ice cream. Woman vomiting with abdominal pain.

Twenty minutes to go. I've finished my paperwork, and am now out to clean the rig. I have switched ends of the week out in the suburbs, and the new medic on the other end of the week who will share my ambulance is a nice woman who is very neat and orderly, and the first day she was here, she cleaned out the refrigerator, which needed it. She really cleaned it out. Scrubbed it out. So I need to leave her a neat rig.