Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Had the day off today for a doctor's appointment in the middle of the day that didn't square with any of the open shifts. I wanted to get a mole checked on my back. My aunt died of melanoma. You're not going to die, the doctor told me. He sliced the mole off and said he was confident it was benign, but was going to have it biopsied anyway. He said if he didn't call me no news was good news.

It is interesting being examined by another medical professional, observing the routines they have. You can tell someone has done something thousands of times before. There was a quiet efficiency to the doctor's method.

I took the needle he stuck in my back (I think it was a 25) like a Indian. Well, maybe I winced a little.

Afterwards, I asked the doctor for some general advice on skin care. He said keep it clean and protect yourself from the sun. Now, you're an expert, he said.